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Südtirol Helmissimo 3 Zinnen Dolomites 2025

22 March 2025 - Monte Elmo Versciaco

The longest giant slalom in Val Pusteria!

Südtirol Helmissimo 3 Zinnen Dolomites is the name of the 4.5 km long giant slalom, which will be held for the 15th time on Saturday, 22 March 2025 in the 3 Zinnen Dolomites ski region on the Monte Elmo descent to Versciaco. The start is near the Monte Elmo mountain station at 2,030m and the finishing line at 1,125m at the Monte Elmo Versciaco valley station. The approx. 350 participants can inspect the route from 7 a.m. Start of the race is at 9 a.m. The award ceremony with subsequent prize draw will take place at 2 p.m. in the finishing area.

Ski athletes born in the year 2006 and older can take part in the race.

The start takes place at 9 a.m. near the Monte Elmo mountain station.

The participants start in the following categories and order: MASTER C9, C8, C7, B6, B5, B4, A3, A2, A1 and SENIORS women and men The women start first.

Registration must be received by Sunday, 16 March 2025 (limited number of participants). The organiser reserves the right to check the participant’s year of birth against a valid ID card. The registration is only valid after payment of the registration fee to the following account: Raiffeisenkasse Hochpustertal IBAN: IT79C0802058790000301313452 in the name of: Amateursportverein Helm Vierschach, Im Anger 11 - 39038 San Candido/Versciaco. Note: The amount transferred must be € 35 net. Registered participants will be posted on the website every Tuesday. The registration fee will  be refunded if the race cannot take place due to exceptional circumstances.

Following registration,  the race course can be inspected between 7 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. on the day of the race. The starting numbers will be distributed on Saturday, 22 March 2025 between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. in the Gröberhütte.

Helmets must be worn. Helmets can be hired from the ski rental shop at the Monte Elmo valley station in Versciaco.

The award ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. in the finishing area. Prices will be awarded to the top three in each category as well as the five best teams. Result lists will also be available on the Internet at from Monday, 24 March 2025. All race participants attending the presentation ceremony take part in the prize draw, which includes 1  Dolomiti Superski skipass and 1 3 ZINNEN DOLOMITES ski pass 2025/26. Please note: only participants who attend in person can take part in the draw (can be checked against an ID card)!

The organiser reserves the right to change the regulations in order to ensure a better race.

Protests: Protests must be submitted within ¼ hour after the end of the race together with a deposit of €50. In the event of an unsubstantiated complaint, the deposit will not be refunded.

If there are fewer than six participants registered in a category, the O.K. can place them in a different category, also with a larger number of participants.

The standards of the FISI regulations apply.

In case of inclement weather or snow conditions, the race can be rescheduled or cancelled.

The organiser reserves the right to amend individual clauses until the start of the first racer.

Starting Conditions - Indemnity - Insurance - Athlete's Declaration: The organiser expressly disclaims all liability for participants, officials and spectators.

During the event, the then-current state corona regulations will be in force

oute profile
Start: 2.030 m
Finish: 1.125 m
Difference in altitude: 950m
Route length: 4,5km
Gates: 104

Categories Women and Men
MASTER C9 (born 1954 and older)
MASTER C8 (born 1955 – 1959)
MASTER C7 (born 1960 – 1964)
MASTER B6 (born 1965 – 1969)
MASTER B5 (born 1970 – 1974)
MASTER B4 (born 1975 – 1979)
MASTER A3 (born 1980 – 1984)
MASTER A2 (born 1985 – 1989)
MASTER A1 (born 1990 – 1994)
SENIORS (born 1995 – 2006)

AThe registration form must indicate whether you are starting for a particular association or team. The association specified on registration cannot be amended at a later date. Team classification (ski clubs, company teams and fan clubs): sum total of the five fastest times.
The O.K. reserves the right to combine categories with fewer than six participants.

until Sunday, 16 March 2025 (limited number of participants).

Registration fee
€ 35
The registration is only valid after payment of the registration fee to the following account: Raiffeisenkasse Hochpustertal IBAN: IT79C0802058790000301313452 in the name of: ASV Helm Vierschach, Im Anger 11 - 39038 San Cándido/Versciaco.
Note: The amount transferred must be € 35 net. Registered participants will be updated on the website every Tuesday.

Start number distribution
Saturday, 22 March 2025 between 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m in the Gröberhütte (close to the valley station). Please bring your ID card with you. These can be checked, if necessary.

Registered participants receive a discounted day ticket for € 40

Opening the lifts
On Saturday, 22 March 2025, the Versciaco orbital road will open at 7 a.m. The HELM-JET Sesto starts running at 08.30 a.m.

Course inspection
Saturday, 22 March 2025 from 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.

Race start
At 9 a.m. near the Monte Elmo mountain station

All participants must wear a helmet. Helmets can be hired from the ski rental shop at the valley stations.

The organiser expressly disclaims all liability for participants, officials and spectators.

Award ceremony
Saturday, 22 March 2025 at 2 p.m. in the Versciaco finishing area. Prices will be awarded to the top three in each category as well as the five best teams.

Grand prize draw
1 ski pass DOLOMITI SUPERSKI 2025/26
1 ski pass 3 ZINNEN DOLOMITES ski resort 2025/26
All race participants take part in the prize draw at the award ceremony.
Note: Only participants who attend in person can take part in the draw (can be checked against an ID card)!

Result lists
are available from Monday, 24 March 2025 on the Internet.

Start and ranking lists

Here you will find all start and ranking lists since the 1st Südtirol Helmissimo in 2008.


 registrations until 04.02.2025


 Start List
 Rating Ladies - Men
 Team Classification


Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
3 Zinnen Superkombi


Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score

2018 – 11th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
3 Peaks Super Kombi

2017 – 10th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
3 Peaks Super Kombi

2016 – 9th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
S. Dolomiten Super Kombi

2015 – 8th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
  S. Dolomiten Super Kombi

2014 – 7th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating Ladies - Men
Team Classification
Current Score
S. Dolomiten Super Kombi

2013 – 6th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating list by categories
Team Classification
Current Score

2012 – 5th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating list by categories
Team Classification
Current Score

2011 – 4th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating list by categories
Team Classification

2010 – 3th HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating list by categories
Team Classification

2009 – 2nd HELMISSIMO

Start List
Rating list by categories
Team Classification

2008 – 1th HELMISSIMO

Rating list by categories
Team Classification

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The venue of the Südtirol Helmissimo is Versciaco in the Tre Cime Dolomiti ski resort.

Tre Cime Dolomiti Ski Resort


Race Track

The race track is the red piste No. 13 from the Monte Elmo mountain station to the Versciaco valley station

Piste Map


Accommodation options


Südtirol Helmissimo 3 Zinnen Dolomites - 22 March 2025



Südtirol Helmissimo 3 Zinnen Dolomites 2024


Südtirol Helmissimo 3 Zinnen Dolomites 2022


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